It was a year ago we handed out our first grocery card. It’s been quite a year since then. To date, give or take, we have handed out about 780 grocery cards. Sadly, some of those cards are handed back to us.  It’s cancer.

But, let’s focus on all for which we are grateful.  Let’s celebrate enormous small steps we have taken to help feed cancer patients in need. We would like to share with you what a great month we had in October, 2018, on our first birthday.

First, we measure our victories by the number of grocery cards we give out every week to our patients in need. In October, we gave out a record 120 grocery cards.  This is slightly higher than normal, but that is due to the fact that there were five Mondays in October.

One of the things of which I am most proud is our turnaround time.  The time it takes from the moment we receive an email with a request for patient assistance to the time their grocery card to their preferred market is received. It’s a day. Actually, it’s less than 24 hours.

In the month of October, we had two requests which stood out.  One of the requests was from Palo Verde Cancer Centers and a woman had just filled out her financials. To say she had no money for groceries seems an accurate statement. The request stated she actually had five dollars. The next day we delivered a grocery card for the woman at Palo Verde.

The second request came from Phoenix Children’s Hospital. It was an application to help the family of a 13-year-old girl battling leukemia.  We delivered the grocery card requested by her mother the very next day. By the way, the young girl became our youngest patient. Our patients now range from 13 to 88.

So, now that I have sung our praises, let me tell you a little about our GAP NIGHT 2018 celebration and the magic and music that entertained about 90 people celebrating our 1st birthday.

GAP NIGHT 2018  –   Gratitude. Appreciation. Philanthropy.

It was held at Harley-Davidson of Scottsdale and we have some new friends. It was a low key celebration for a number of reasons, although we did have entertainment, and a silent auction. We had delicious food from Vito’s Italian Restaurant thanks to Julie, Paul, Alyssa, and Vince.

The music was by Todd, and the Magic was by Victor.  But, in my view, the other magic was found in the spirit of the night.  We had a few speakers and we gave out a few awards.  And, the sale of two auction items made my night.

The first auction item was a round of golf for four at the famous Biltmore Golf Course complex, The Adobe, and The Links. They probably donate a lot of rounds of golf for charity in the year. None could have been better received than this one.

The item didn’t have the highest bids of any auction item. It didn’t have the most bids of any item. My sister-in-law, Barbara, won it to give to her nephew, Riley. Barbara’s brother, Riley’s Dad, Bob, passed away almost two years ago from a form of Leukemia called CLL. It turns out, it seems, the whole world has cancer. Anyway, Barbara won the golf and gave it to Riley. Riley just happened to finish 6th in the state of Arizona High School Golf Tournament a few weeks ago. How cool is that?  I have played with him.  He hits his 5 iron longer than I hit my driver….and whatever second shot comes next.  GO RILEY!!!!

The second auction item I loved was a bottle of Joseph Phelps Insignia Wine donated by the winery.  The donated bottle of wine sold for 330.00.  That amount of money feeds one cancer patient in treatment for one month, and extra. To that patient and Froth and Bubble, Joseph Phelps Vineyards makes the most valuable bottles of wine in the entire world. Cheers…to Phelps Vineyards for their generosity.

If you would like to help and donate, it would be appreciated. On our website, www.frothandbubblefoundation.org  there is a way to donate. Think about it.

The holidays are coming up, and there are people in the battle of their lives who cannot afford the basic nutrition to help them win a fight that was never fair and never wanted.  You can help them!!!