The patients count! I am told by social workers, nurse navigators, and patients that these four grocery cards over four to eight weeks can mean the difference between life and death. Overly dramatic? Without proper nourishment what’s the point of chemo, radiation, surgery, hormones, and all the combinations health care professionals use to defeat cancer? People need food. Patients count on Froth and Bubble to provide the grocery cards to buy food or supplement.
I can’t count how often I hear Froth and Bubble is unique in providing funds, week in and week out, to give patients the money they need to simply eat.
You count! Without your incredibly generous support, we could not help so many patients and families in their battles against cancer. Your kindness and courage in supporting a two-year-old foundation leave me in awe. It leaves patients speechless when they learn they will receive money for food from complete strangers. It leaves them in tears when a social worker/navigator (eyes and ears to Froth and Bubble) hands them their first of four grocery cards.
Froth and Bubble counts! We count every card we pass out. We count every handwritten note which accompanies the $75.00 grocery card. At the end of 2019, we had passed out 2,478 grocery cards to over 650 patients. Sadly, some patients don’t make it. Happily, with our extra holiday cards (Easter/Passover, July 4th, High Holidays, Thanksgiving, Christmas/Chanukah) some patients receive more help over the year.
I count. I count all the things for which I am most grateful. It starts with my family and friends who are the bedrock of support for Froth and Bubble; Old friends who are generous beyond belief, and new friends I have made who believe in kindness and courage and back it up with contributions. I count my good fortune and my lucky stars. The doc says my blood tests are good. That counts for a lot! A LOT!!
Thank you for your time and your generosity.
“Under the shadow of the wing shall be my refuge.”