Hot and hotter and hottest. But, the high of which I write is the record high number of grocery cards Froth and Bubble distributed in July. Now, July did have 5 weeks of Mondays, and The Fourth of July National Holiday when we add extra patient to the roster….but, we did pass out 143 x $75.00 grocery cards.
In between all of that, I had a chance to get out of town for a few days and break out of the heat. I am grateful for that opportunity. My friends ask me why I am in Arizona since I really don’t like the heat. I never knew the answer. Now, it appears the answer is to do Froth and Bubble. Funny how that worked out.
I also am looking at donations which come in over the summer. Not many, but I am told by reliable sources, that’s how it is. Not to worry. So, I will try not to worry, but, when you are handing out $10,725.00 worth of grocery cards in a month….you worry. I worry. I am hoping when the temperatures will drop, the donations will rise. There is probably some non-profit rule that says you should match your income to your expenses. Patients have to eat, and I am proud to say we are doing our part to help them.
I am talking with a couple of new outlets with which to be involved in our little foundation. Stay tuned. They are might impressive. Thank you for your help.