The Froth and Bubble Foundation for Food Assistance has had quite a busy 4th quarter handing out grocery cards and fundraising. We also filed out IRS tax filings on time to maintain our 501 ( c ) (3) status.
On October 26th, Harley Davidson of Scottsdale hosted our GAP outing. GAP. Gratitude, Appreciation, and Philanthropy. Our second year. We raised money from donations at the BBQ, a raffle and a silent auction. The BBQ was manned, in part, by board member Charlie Sands, and dear friend Jim Bickoff. The fact these two have decades of experience in the restaurant business kept everything moving along smartly.
Thanks to Kim ., Carol and Frank, Gerrie J. and the board members for all of their help. It’s a lot of work.
For the year we passed out 1437 grocery cards. 437 more than in 2018. That is our singular program. We buy grocery cards and we pass them out to vetted patients in treatment for cancer.
In one week, the week of 12/16/19 we passed out 76 grocery cards to cover several weeks of the holiday season to our patients in about a dozen facilities.
Our total for the entire two years and one month since our designation as a non-profit is 2500 cards…less 22…2478, actually, according to my whiteboard where I keep the running totals.
Also, according to our lists of patients on the rosters for the various outlets, we have helped over 650 patients and their families.
Thank you for supporting us. With your help, we will pass out more cards for more patients. Stay tuned!!!!